Monday, August 8, 2016

Stims Day 7 Update

I've done stims injections for 6 nights now. Today was my 2nd update ultrasound. As of this morning I have 3 less than 10mm follies and 6 less than 8mm on the right. On the left I have 2 10mms, 1 less than 10mm, and 11 less than 8mm. My estrogen is at 159 (which seems a bit low to me...right?) and progesterone is .6. My doctor is keeping me on the 75 Gonal F, 150 Menopur, and 5 units Lupron.

I definitely am starting to feel the meds working. I feel crampy/tingly/something in my ovaries and definitely started feeling bloated. Honestly I'm happy to have bloat and cramps and move slower because I hope it means the meds are working. I didn't feel anything at all until yesterday (day 6) so hopefully things are moving along now. I go back on Wednesday for another scan and am hoping to see a lot of good progress.

In other news: Yesterday was my first day of having to mix everything myself and hopefully it will be the last! My menopur was clumped like a sugar cube and I freaked out because every other time it was powdery. I was completely afraid I somehow ruined my meds and wasted thousand of dollars. I called the RE's answering service and they put me on the PA at my clinic. She reassured me it was ok and the saline would disolved the menopur just fine. I felt bad for disrupting her Sunday evening! But I'm glad I called and had my fears eased. On top of that I went to draw my Lupron and realized I was out of syringes/needles. At 6:30pm on a Sunday. So another freak out entailed while I frantically searched for an open pharmacy. I wasn't even sure if the pharmacy would sell me needles OTC. Luckily I found an open pharmacy and after a bit of confusion by the pharmacy tech who wanted to know if I needed them "for injecting things." One thing's for sure. Use the word infertility with a 21 year old dude and they shut up and give you what you asked for. So about 45 minutes of panicking later I got everything mixed and injected. Disaster averted. This time.

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