Friday, August 19, 2016

Day 3 Post Retrieval

We still have 8 embryos growing. The nurse said on day three they should be between 6 and 8 cells. We have 4 8-cells, 2 7-cells, 1 6-cell, and 1 5-cell. The nurse said that 5-cell may catch up before we have to freeze on day 6.

We won't get an update on day 4 which sucks! I just want to know how they're doing! I'm already the world's craziest helicopter parent.

I'm feeling a LOT better today than I did yesterday. I felt not too bad on Tuesday after the retrieval. Wednesday I felt better, even went for a walk. Yesterday, though, by about midday it was uncomfortable just walking at work like to the bathroom or the printer. I think part of it was being constipated because I felt a lot better once I went #2. I drank a cup of coffee to try and get things grooving in there. I still didn't feel great though, a lot of bloating and discomfort when moving so I laid down at home the rest of the night. I was afraid of OHSS but I keep tabs on my weight and it has gone down since the procedure. Today a lot of my bloating went down, my weight is back to my pre-stims weight and I feel MUCH more like myself.

Only a few days until Transfer! Stay strong little embryos!

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