Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Egg Retrieval and After

I'm one day post egg retrieval! We were able to do the trigger on Monday evening and went in for our retrieval on Wednesday. I took two 250unit ovidrels for the trigger, and luckily didn't have any side effects. ( side note: I think I was pretty lucky as far as side effects went during this whole process! The BCP was definitely the worst. Besides starting to feel slightly bloated I didn't have much else going on.). By the time I woke up on Wednesday I was in a bit of discomfort and pain just from having a bunch of large eggs ready to ovulate. We got to the clinic around 10:45am. They brought us back to the recovery area around 10:55. The nurse came and went over some forms and got my IV set up, the anesthetist introduced himself and went over some more forms, the ultrasound tech I had been seeing the last week and a half came over to say hi. The doctor finally cam over around 11:30 to introduce himself (our regular RE was on vacation so another dr. from another clinic was doing our retrieval). Finally they took me to the bathroom and then right into the procedure room. The anesthetist hooked me up to a monitor and said he was injecting something into my IV. He asked if I felt anything and I said nope. Next thing I knew I was waking up into the recovery area mumbling something about Michael Jackson. We were on our way home by 1:30pm.

I was feeling pretty crappy right after the procedure but probably 10 minutes after we started for home I felt so much better. I did take the tylenol with codeine my doc prescribed beforehand (and that was some good stuff). I drank a ton of water and had a lot of extra protein.

Today, the day after the procedure, I definitely feel sore and crampy. No bleeding which is good, but bloated for sure.I worked from home to not lose a PTO day and to take it easy. I have no idea if I have any work clothes that will fit right now! Do you think it's ok to wear yoga pants and a tshirt in a business casual office?

We got 10 eggs during the procedure. Today the nurse called to update us and said all 10 were mature and they were able to fertilize 8 with ICSI. I didn't think to ask why they did ICSI (we didn't chose this ahead of time, but on our consents chose the option of yes please do what you need to to make sure these eggs turn into embies and they grow). I'm assuming it was because we only had 10 and they didn't want to take the chance of them NOT fertilizing. Now we wait until tomorrow to hear again! It's nerve wracking that everything is out of my hands (and body!), that what happens happens. this $15000 may have been for nothing. But I'm going to believe those 8 embies are strong and all will grow to day 5 blastocysts and the one we transfer comes back out in 9 months.

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