Friday, August 5, 2016

Stims Day 4 Update

Day Two: Went a LOT better. We got everything correct this time. Used the other thigh.
Day Three: Still doing good with the shots. Used the stomach this time. The shots seem to burn more here.
Day Four: Ultrasound and blood work in the morning. I had 7 follies on the right and 11 on the left today. I already have a big bruise from my blood draw because she drew from a weird vein. My estrogen is at 64, was at 19 on Tuesday. She said it's normal to see the estrogen values increase before the follies start growing so that's good.

I go back in on Monday for another ultrasound/blood work.

In the mean time I'm going to chill out, watch some Olympics, and let this follies grow.

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