Thursday, August 18, 2016

Day 2 Post Retrieval

Our little embryos are doing good. The nurse finally called around 10:30 (I was waiting on pins and needles, and of course imagining every terrible scenario as to why it was taking them so long to call. Thanks Dr. Google).

We still have all 8 embryos. The nurse said on day two they should be between 2 and 4 cells. We have one overachieving 5-cell, three 4-cell, and four 2-cells.

I keep wishing we had live video feed of them in the lab so I could watch them all day, kind of like doggie day cares that live stream all day to their clients/owners. I'd have my embies up on my monitor all day having a party any time their cute little cells divided.

As for me, I'm constipated (haven't gone since Monday, ugh), bloated, and crampy. I'm hoping this goes away soooooon!

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