Thursday, December 1, 2016

Retrieval Day #2!!

We finally made it to our retrieval day!! Everything went smoothly and we got 11 eggs. I excited and of course nervous to get the call tomorrow of how many eggs were fertilized.

We decided to go ahead and do PGS on all and then do the transfer in January or February, depending on when my period shows up (fingers crossed for January transfer!). It will be nice not having the stress of TWW during the holidays. I can have a few drinks and eat carbs and enjoy myself.

My husband said I didn't cry this time and I didn't mumble anything weird like I did last time so I have that going for me. Walking is a little rough, but I feel fine when I'm laying down, which I plan to do the rest of the day, and probably tomorrow when I'm "working from home". I have a ton of gatorade and protein powder to get me through the next few days as well.

Our life during stims. Glad that part is over!

hahah maybe we need to try it this way instead

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