Sunday, December 4, 2016

Post Retrieval: Day 3

3 days post retrieval and things are still looking good. All 9 embryos are still growing well. The nurse said at Day 3 they expect them to be between 6 and 8 cells. We have 2 7-cell and 7 8-cell! While that makes me very happy to hear I'm still holding my breath.

We won't hear again until Wednesday or Thursday. Day 4 is a rest day where they don't check them at all and then day 5 and 6 they would expect embryos to make it to the blastocyst stage when they can be biopsied. We won't here back from our clinic until our entire case is closed: either the embryos made it to blastocyst and are biopsied (😁), or they've stopped growing (😓). It's going to be a loooong week.

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