Monday, December 12, 2016

PGS Results

We found out we have three PGS normal embryos. 

When we found out we had seven day 5 blastocysts I was pretty disappointed that we didn't end up transferring. It seemed like wow, 7. I could be pregnant by now. But after getting our results stating three normals I'm glad we didn't transfer any. We would have had less than 50% chance of a healthy pregnancy. Three is a great number, I'm thrilled to have any, but I still feel slightly disappointed. Is that normal? I feel so guilty for being disappointed; I should be happy we have ANY normal considering we didn't have any make it last cycle. 

I should be getting my period in the next few days and then we'll be know more exactly when our transfer date will be - Some time in February for sure. 

Of course I wanted to move right from retrieval to transfer but honestly, I'm slightly relieved to have some time that we aren't doing anything. I've felt so not myself after all the IVF meds and recovering from the transfer. Not having control over by body is painful for me. I'm happy to have a month and a half to go to the gym and start feeling myself again before hopefully becoming pregnant. I've been very Veruca Salt for the last 2 years and now i'm glad for a break.

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