Monday, July 11, 2016

Sonohysterogram Canceled

Today was supposed to be our sonoysterogram but due to my bleeding it has been canceled.

Bleeding increases the risk of infections so until my bleeding goes away I can't have the sono. When I've taken BCP for actual birth control I had always had breakthrough bleeding until I started on a triphasic pill, in which the dosage increases every week, unlike your average monophasic pill in which the dosage is the same in every pill except the placebos. Because I'm on the pill for IVF, though, I have to be on a monophasic. In the past the bleeding lasted about a week so hopefully later this week it will be over and I can reschedule the sono. Now the problem is that I have a trip booked for work from Monday afternoon through Wednesday afternoon when I'll be several states over, and then I have my trial transfer scheduled for that Thursday I get back. All of this is stressing me out and nervous this bleeding is going to mess everything up and push our IVF cycle back a month. All I can do is sit here and wait it out. Maybe go get some ice cream tonight.

Edit: and i just dropped my breakfast all of the lunch room floor at work. And cried. In the lunch room. At work. And it's only 8:15am. This is going to be a week, isn't it?

Edit Edit: My biggest mistake of the week so far was not getting a coffee with the bagel I went out and bought.

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