Monday, July 25, 2016

Now We're Getting Somewhere!

Finally! We started Lupron injections! I feel like we've been waiting so long to get to this point. I'm happy and excited, even though we aren't at stims yet. I stop BCP on the 28th, one less mess of hormones to deal with (for a few days anyways). I go in for an ultrasound on August 2nd and will hopefully get the OK to start that evening.

The injection itself went quick and easy. I'm not afraid of needles and my husband worked as a vet tech in high school so he's used to mixing meds and giving injections. Honestly I would rather just do them myself, but I want him to be involved in the process and I know he feels the same way.

Our air conditioner is broken and it's been in the 90s for weeks now. Out of all the side effects I'm hoping hot flashes leave me alone because the earliest we can get a new AC installed is August 8th. I might just melt. I'm going to have to buy a larger refrigerator and camp out inside of it like this adorable pup.

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