Sunday, June 26, 2016

It's Actually Happening!

We are actually moving forward with the IVF process!

I had a CD3 baseline ultrasound and blood work done on Friday. That afternoon I got the call to go ahead and start birth control. I've also increased my thyroid meds to 50mcg, up from 25mcg. Up next on our to do list:
  1. Sonohystogram & vaginal cultures done before 7/24/16
  2. Injection training by 7/24/16
  3. Trial transfer by 8/2/16
We are just trucking right along! July 24th, Lupron start date, will be here before I know it!

For now I'm looking forward to enjoying my favorite holiday of the year, July 4th! Maybe have a glass of wine or 3.

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