Monday, June 6, 2016

My mind is a See-Saw

Today was IUI #3. Our number's were good! Up to 6.8 mil sperm as opposed to 4.7 and 4.6 the first two times. Maybe the varicocelectomy is kicking in! Hopefully my unicorn socks I wore will be a lucky charm I'm in a muuuuch better mood this month as opposed to last month. I didn't seem to have many side effects from the clomid this go round #praisehandsemoji and just over all am in a much better, much more positive head space. I think having a short vacation and seeing my family over Memorial Day weekend and then also being able to think ahead to our short vacation together this coming weekend has really helped. I've had things to keep my mind occupied. I attended a baby shower over this past weekend. If you had asked my about it last month I would have said I wouldn't be able to go. But I did and it was lovely! I've very excited for my friend! And the best thing may have been that no one asked me when I was going to have a baby.

A wonderful coworker of mine gave me a rose quartz crystal today she found while out shopping this weekend. It's supposed to be good for fertility, and I've certainly done weirder things than hold a crystal in my hand. I've got nothing to lose so I'll be sitting outside with my new crystal thinking about babies in the sunshine this afternoon.

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