Monday, June 20, 2016

IVF Checklist

I officially have a negative for Cycle #20/IUI#3. On to IVF and little science baby H

Here is my IVF checklist. I feel like my head is spinning with everything we need to get done.
  1. Cycle day 3 ultrasound and blood work, including FSH and Estradiol
    • I will receive my prescription for birth control and the clinic will contact me after the doctor has reviewed my labs to give me the go ahead to start BCP
  2.  Around the same time get blood work for hepatitis panel, HIV, RPR/VDRL (both myself and Husband)
  3. Have latest pap smear info sent over from my OBGYN's office
  4. Complete consents for ICSI, assisted hatching, embryo freezing (including what to do if one or both of us pass away), disposition of embryos, and IVF in general. We have to get these notarized
  5. I will have 2 more ultrasound/blood work appointments between the CD3 and July 24th
  6. Have sonohystogram
  7. Have trail transfer
  8. Do injection training
  9. Schedule a meeting with the doctor who will do our retrieval, as our RE will be out of town during the retrieval window 
  10. Restart acupuncture at some point, probably mid July
  11. Complete application for medication discounts
  12. Make sure all meds are delivered by 7/24/16
  13. Start Lurpon 7/24/16
  14. Last BCP 7/28/16
  15. Ultrasound/Blood work 8/2/16
  16. Start Gonal F and Menopur 8/2/16 as long as everything looks good
  17. Ultrasound/Blood work 8/5/16
  18. Ultrasound/blood work ever day/every other day week of 8/7/16-8/13/16
  19. Retrieval week of 8/14-8/21 depending on respond
  20. Start progesterone and estrogen supplements day of retrieval
  21. Transfer 5 days after retrieval, unless embroys aren't growing as well. Then they might do a 3 days post retrieval transfer
  22. Blood test 1 week after transfer
  23. Beta test 12 days after transfer

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