Sunday, June 5, 2016

Opening Up

The usual update: I had my CD 13 ultrasound yesterday. Things are looking good with a 21 and 22 on my right side and my lining is 13.7: thick and luxurious. I gave myself my Ovidrel shot last night and IUI is scheduled for Monday morning. Fingers crossed!

Other thoughts: I've said this before, but I'm really glad we finally decided to be open about our struggles and journey. It's so nice having people to talk to; even my pregnant friends who have no idea what we're going through. I was getting a pedicure yesterday before a baby shower and while my friend and I were waiting for our toes to dry we were chatting about everything going on with me and how she has a few friends going through the same. The woman sitting across from us chimed in with a sorry for eavesdropping, but I went through 5 IVFs. We had a good talk with her and it was nice to hear about her journey and get support from her even though I'll likely never see her again.


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