Thursday, May 5, 2016

Good Luck Little Swimmers

Today was IUI #2 for us.

I woke up this morning with horrible pain on my left side. It hurt just walking around the house getting ready to go and then hurt on the car ride. Now I've had ovulation pain before but this was ridiculous! If we hadn't been going to the dr that morning I probably would have been at an urgent care it hurt so bad! The nurse didn't seem to believe me when I told her I was in so much pain. She just brushed it off know have two follicles and you're ovulating right? No shit Sherlock. Why do you think I'm here. They did another scan just to make sure it wasn't a cyst or something like that. Thank goodness it was nothing, and that made me feel like a drama queen! Oh well. Better safe than sorry! My scan was at 10am this morning, about 39 hours after the ovidrel and the tech said I still haven't ovulated.

So I had two follicles on the left, today at my scan right before the IUI they were 20mm and 24mm.
I gave up on my acupuncture/no dairy/no sugar routine and grew larger follies...Now I don't have a medical degree, but I'm pretty sure that means sugar and cheese are good for me.

We had 4.6m sperm with 92% motlity. Numbers were down just a bit from last month, but with DH varicocele repair the urologist said his numbers might do that before they get better. All we need is one though. One little sperm. Come on.

Also, there's nothing quite like having the nurse with her head down at your lady bits putting a speculum in tell you you have nice calves



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