Thursday, May 19, 2016

Another Negative

Yesterdays beta was negative, surprise surprise. Men are the worst at asking for directions :)

 And there's nothing like a good cry in your car and then having to go back in to work looking a hot mess!

Moving on: When AF gets here on Friday or Saturday we'll be starting IUI #3. I've considered asking my doctor about switching to injectables for this last IUI cycle but after doing a lot of research online I don't think it will be worth it. I've had good response to clomid so far so would injectables really change that? The main issue though is that the cost will be so much higher. Right now we're paying about $400 for an IUI cycle with clomid and ovidrel. With injectables a cycle would probably be in $2000-$3000 range. I'd much rather put that money towards IVF. I'll still ask about injectables at my CD3 appointment (though from what I've read, that may be too late, as it looks like most injectables are started on CD3).

And speaking of IVF! I was also able to schedule an appointment with our Dr. to discuss IVF if #3 doesn't work for June 8th. Only three weeks away! I like having something to look forward to. Having a plan makes me feel better. And now to start funding IVF if we have to go that route:

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