Sunday, June 26, 2016

It's Actually Happening!

We are actually moving forward with the IVF process!

I had a CD3 baseline ultrasound and blood work done on Friday. That afternoon I got the call to go ahead and start birth control. I've also increased my thyroid meds to 50mcg, up from 25mcg. Up next on our to do list:
  1. Sonohystogram & vaginal cultures done before 7/24/16
  2. Injection training by 7/24/16
  3. Trial transfer by 8/2/16
We are just trucking right along! July 24th, Lupron start date, will be here before I know it!

For now I'm looking forward to enjoying my favorite holiday of the year, July 4th! Maybe have a glass of wine or 3.

Monday, June 20, 2016

IVF Checklist

I officially have a negative for Cycle #20/IUI#3. On to IVF and little science baby H

Here is my IVF checklist. I feel like my head is spinning with everything we need to get done.
  1. Cycle day 3 ultrasound and blood work, including FSH and Estradiol
    • I will receive my prescription for birth control and the clinic will contact me after the doctor has reviewed my labs to give me the go ahead to start BCP
  2.  Around the same time get blood work for hepatitis panel, HIV, RPR/VDRL (both myself and Husband)
  3. Have latest pap smear info sent over from my OBGYN's office
  4. Complete consents for ICSI, assisted hatching, embryo freezing (including what to do if one or both of us pass away), disposition of embryos, and IVF in general. We have to get these notarized
  5. I will have 2 more ultrasound/blood work appointments between the CD3 and July 24th
  6. Have sonohystogram
  7. Have trail transfer
  8. Do injection training
  9. Schedule a meeting with the doctor who will do our retrieval, as our RE will be out of town during the retrieval window 
  10. Restart acupuncture at some point, probably mid July
  11. Complete application for medication discounts
  12. Make sure all meds are delivered by 7/24/16
  13. Start Lurpon 7/24/16
  14. Last BCP 7/28/16
  15. Ultrasound/Blood work 8/2/16
  16. Start Gonal F and Menopur 8/2/16 as long as everything looks good
  17. Ultrasound/Blood work 8/5/16
  18. Ultrasound/blood work ever day/every other day week of 8/7/16-8/13/16
  19. Retrieval week of 8/14-8/21 depending on respond
  20. Start progesterone and estrogen supplements day of retrieval
  21. Transfer 5 days after retrieval, unless embroys aren't growing as well. Then they might do a 3 days post retrieval transfer
  22. Blood test 1 week after transfer
  23. Beta test 12 days after transfer

Saturday, June 18, 2016


We're coming to an end of the TWW for IUI#3. I have a beta blood test tomorrow for it, and see how I feel exactly the same as every other month I don't think it's going to be good news. I've been trying to be very optimistic about it, but right now I'm not.

Yesterday we met with one of the IVF nurses from our RE clinic to go over details about doing an IVF cycle. If this last IUI doesn't work out we will be on the schedule for an August retrieval/transfer. Because of the timing of my cycles we just missed the window for a July IVF. I'm upset we have one more month to wait, but am happy we can at least do August. Our RE is limiting August IVF cycles because she will be out of town for a portion of the month. There is a chance our retrieval will be done by a different dr. from a separate clinic. I've researched the other dr. and he seems perfectly competent so we are ok with having him do the procedure. I almost want to say I'd do anything to have the procedure in August, but then I'll end up like those women with Fix-a-Flat in their butts.

 () Yeah, no thanks.

We will be starting meds on July 24th, the day one of my closest friends is due. This fact is making me very sad. I'm sad it's taken us so long to get to this point. That in 21 months we haven't been able to do what she could do in 3. I'm sitting here at my desk at work want to cry. Overwhelmed by all of the information we received yesterday. Overwhelmed by the cost (we knew it would be a lot, but it was always a future problem. Now we have to pay in a month!). Overwhelmed by everything.

Update: And to make it worse I had my beta today and of course the lab sucks and didnt get the results to my dr by the time the office closed at 1pm. Grr. So now I have to wait until Monday when I'm at work for the bad news. I guess in the mean time Ill start filling out paperwork.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Getting Away From it All

I had my progesterone drawn on Friday which came in at 24. I think doing acupuncture may have raised my progesterone previously. I did acupuncture during my first IUI and my level was 37, while for the second two IUIs I had stopped acupuncture and my levels were 21 and 24 respectively. Just a guess.

My husband and I went off the grid this weekend to Canada where we had zero cell service except for some spotty free wifi we bummed from a fudge shop for a few minutes. It was nice to get away from it all and not really think about our infertility. We had time just for the two of us without any distractions besides some beautiful scenery! Luckily we didn't encounter any bears!

Thursday, June 9, 2016

IVF Consult

We had our IVF consult yesterday! It went really well. Our doctor gave us the choice to try letrozole or move to IVF and we went with IVF. I wrote about letrozole in an earlier post and for us it seems like a step back from clomid since I respond pretty well to the clomid (two follies, as opposed to most likely 1 with letrozole). I was most afraid the doctor would try to convince us to try the other medication or more IUIs or anything but going right to IVF. I keep having people say "oh you're so young still, you have plenty of time!" (this is one of my BIGGEST pet peeves). Here's the thing:
  1. I'll be 28 in two months. That's not that young
  2. I will decide when I want to have a child. It's not up to anyone else to decide if I am too young to try more aggressive methods if nature isn't working. If I were 24 and wanted to get pregnant and I had been trying for 20 months I should still be able to chose IVF.

The doctor did not try to convince us otherwise in our decision to move onto IVF. She said she thought it was a good decision and let's go for it.

We have a meeting with the IVF nurse scheduled for next week. It's at this appointment that we'll go over scheduling. I think we'll have to be in the August group based on my cycles. I would start birth control pills July 6th and have the retrieval and transfer mid August. We'd get the beta results right around my birthday, Aug 29th.

The estimated cost is $9-10,000 for the IVF and $3-5,000 for the meds. We have to meet with the billing group as well to go over all of the specifics. The thought of spending so much money for something that may or may not work is terrifying! Especially on something we want to so badly work.

But hopefully this month's IUI works and we don't have to go through the IVF process :)

Monday, June 6, 2016

My mind is a See-Saw

Today was IUI #3. Our number's were good! Up to 6.8 mil sperm as opposed to 4.7 and 4.6 the first two times. Maybe the varicocelectomy is kicking in! Hopefully my unicorn socks I wore will be a lucky charm I'm in a muuuuch better mood this month as opposed to last month. I didn't seem to have many side effects from the clomid this go round #praisehandsemoji and just over all am in a much better, much more positive head space. I think having a short vacation and seeing my family over Memorial Day weekend and then also being able to think ahead to our short vacation together this coming weekend has really helped. I've had things to keep my mind occupied. I attended a baby shower over this past weekend. If you had asked my about it last month I would have said I wouldn't be able to go. But I did and it was lovely! I've very excited for my friend! And the best thing may have been that no one asked me when I was going to have a baby.

A wonderful coworker of mine gave me a rose quartz crystal today she found while out shopping this weekend. It's supposed to be good for fertility, and I've certainly done weirder things than hold a crystal in my hand. I've got nothing to lose so I'll be sitting outside with my new crystal thinking about babies in the sunshine this afternoon.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Opening Up

The usual update: I had my CD 13 ultrasound yesterday. Things are looking good with a 21 and 22 on my right side and my lining is 13.7: thick and luxurious. I gave myself my Ovidrel shot last night and IUI is scheduled for Monday morning. Fingers crossed!

Other thoughts: I've said this before, but I'm really glad we finally decided to be open about our struggles and journey. It's so nice having people to talk to; even my pregnant friends who have no idea what we're going through. I was getting a pedicure yesterday before a baby shower and while my friend and I were waiting for our toes to dry we were chatting about everything going on with me and how she has a few friends going through the same. The woman sitting across from us chimed in with a sorry for eavesdropping, but I went through 5 IVFs. We had a good talk with her and it was nice to hear about her journey and get support from her even though I'll likely never see her again.