Monday, January 16, 2017

Lining Check

FETs aren't very exciting, and I mean that in the best of ways. There isn't much monitoring and there are less meds to keep track of.

I had a lining check today and I'm at 4.8mm. I'll continue my Lupron 10 units and start estrogen patches today. I start with .05 for today and tomorrow. I'm nervous I'm going to sweat them off working out (or at night...see below)

Has anyone else dealt with night sweats during an FET?!?! I've been waking up almost every night for a few weeks covered in sweat and it's awful! 1: it just feels so gross. 2: I am so lazy and I hate having to change and wash the sheets all the time. I don't remember getting these when I was on Lupron during my first ivf cycle. I had hot flashes when I was on clomid but NOTHING like this!!

23 days until FET!!

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