Monday, January 30, 2017

FET Lining Check

I had my last lining check on Saturday: 12.5 mm, triple stripe! So we are all set to go for the 8th.

My ultrasound tech said they currently are more concerned with the endometrium being trilaminar, rather than mm thickness. She said when she started in the field a "good" lining measurement was 10mm, then decreased over time to now when they look for at least 7mm, but really want to see that triple stripe.

FET is in 9 days. This will work. I'm coming for your embryo <3 <3 <3

Monday, January 23, 2017

Headaches for Days

I don't know if it's the lupron or the estradiol patches but I have been getting headaches that last 3-4 days and I'm really really over it.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Lining Check

FETs aren't very exciting, and I mean that in the best of ways. There isn't much monitoring and there are less meds to keep track of.

I had a lining check today and I'm at 4.8mm. I'll continue my Lupron 10 units and start estrogen patches today. I start with .05 for today and tomorrow. I'm nervous I'm going to sweat them off working out (or at night...see below)

Has anyone else dealt with night sweats during an FET?!?! I've been waking up almost every night for a few weeks covered in sweat and it's awful! 1: it just feels so gross. 2: I am so lazy and I hate having to change and wash the sheets all the time. I don't remember getting these when I was on Lupron during my first ivf cycle. I had hot flashes when I was on clomid but NOTHING like this!!

23 days until FET!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

4 Weeks Until FET

I started Lupron on Saturday so today will be dose #5. I've had a headache since yesterday morning, went to bed with a headache, had a dream about having a headache, woke up with a headache. Lupron is FANTASTIC! Today is my last dose of BCPs so that actually is good news! Only 4 weeks left until transfer day! And I still have that dumbo hat in my shopping cart......Gap currently has 40% credit card is calling me......

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Stupid Baby Emails

Random side tracked note:

Back in my more hopeful days, when we were happily ttc without a care in the world, thinking "Oh this will work no problem", I signed up for various emails and contests with stars in my eyes. Some days I don't want to read any of them, but I do like seeing new gear and whatnot. I'm all about keeping my stupid hopeful registry up-to-date...

I got an email yesterday about GapBaby's Dumbo line. OMG.
product photo

I need it all. I am about to buy that elephant hat anyways.

Saline Sonohysterogram

I had to have another Saline Sonohysterogram yesterday since my previous one was done in June/July. The SS checks for polyps and other abnormalities in the uterine cavity, which can affect implantation.

Procedure play-by-play: I made a pit stop at Target for some cleansing wipes, as I've been having some stomach issues and wanted things downtown to be nice and clean for the doctor. I somehow still managed to spend $40.

I arrived for my appointment and the tech had me give a urine sample to make sure I am not pregnant (which I wish they had told me ahead of time I needed to do that because I went to the bathroom as soon as I got to the office). Anyways - the US tech took a quick look at my ovaries before the doctor came in and let me know a male resident was going to come in and he'd be standing near my head if that was ok with me....Sure, why not. Everyone else has seen it. He can take a look at the business end if he really wants to.......

Once the doctor came in the procedure was very quick and in classic me fashion I very nearly broke out into Mean Girls quotes. My RE was telling me about the new, shorter catheters they got and that if someone was "bigger or had a long vagina" they'd need a different catheter. Enter this into my mind:

I held back my giggles.

I had a tiny bit of cramping and pain when the doc injected the saline, but it was over very quickly and I was declared to have a "gorgeous" cavity so I have that much going for me!

I sure hope our little embryo thinks the same in 34 days!!!!

Wednesday, January 4, 2017


Fun news!!

I've had this blog for about a year now. And I finally just realized you can subscribe to me! Check out the right hand sidebar. Submit your email to get updates when I update! Technology! Who knew, right?!

I wonder what other fun things I will discover!

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

36 Days Until FET

The holidays are over.

And we are now at 36 days until FET! Almost just one month. After a lot of hassle with my insurance company all of my meds finally arrived last week, just under the cut off for 2016's deductible year. I never like New Years, I've always thought it to be a very overrated holiday, and now I like it even less. Our deductibles reset and now our procedure costs have gone back up. Those $5 ultrasounds are back to $150 each. Luckily with an FET I only have 2 scans scheduled, but I have to have another saline sonohystogram tomorrow and that will cost a bit.

Now I have to get back on my healthy eating plan as well. I took a nice, long break for the holidays but now I just feel gross. Back to salads and low carbs!

43 Days Until FET

We are now at 43 days until FET.

Christmas this year was so much harder than I thought it would be. We celebrated Christmas eve with friends and family, including 2 friends who have a 5 month and 3 month old respectively. Normally seeing them is fine, but I think having so many other people around all wanting to see and play with and talk about the babies it really it hard that my and my husband don't have that. That this is the 3rd Christmas we've been trying and neither of those friends had to have even ONE disappointing Christmas. I had a breakdown and cried in my friends basement for 15 minutes and then cried the rest of the night at home. It wasn't a pleasant Christmas eve, that's for sure. But that is infertility. Very unpleasant. Always.