Monday, November 21, 2016

Round 2: Start of Stims!

I had blood work and ultrasound on Saturday and was given the go ahead to start stims! For my AFC I have 10 on the left and 7 on the right, but some may have been blocked by my bladder (I didn't think I had to pee but the tech said OH WOW when she saw my bladder. oops.).

I'm on an antagonist cycle this time as opposed to long lupron: 225 iu Gonal F, 10 units low dose HCG, and a baby asprin for now (along with my array of supplements). I stopped BCP on Thursday and started bleeding on Sunday and had some cramps. I still have some cramping today and have no clue of it's the meds kicking super fast this time or just regular period cramps (I'm hoping it's the meds!!).

Our original plan for this cycle was to do a fresh transfer if possible while doing PGS on the rest of our embryos, but the more I think about it the more I'm thinking it will be better to just test all and do a frozen transfer. We'll have to discuss with the doc when we go in for retrieval.

In GOOD news, Thanksgiving is just a few days away!!!!!!! I'm trying to stick to a healthy, low carb diet as my RE recommended but not on Thursday!!!!

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