We met with our RE last Wednesday to discuss our failed cycle and where we go from here. Since we ended up with a chemical pregnancy and the rest of our embryos arrested by day 6, and when adding in my elevated FSH it looks like egg quality is the most likely culprit of our infertility at this point.
We really wanted to go ahead and do another cycle right away but instead we are going to be waiting and doing a December cycle and in the meantime pumping myself full of supplements: Omega 3, L-Arginine, CoQ10, Vitamin E, and Vitamin C, in addition to my prenatal and Vitamin D I'm already taking. Hopefully these boost my egg quality because right now I'm 28 and have the reproductive system of a 40 year old.
This failed cycle and cycle push back has been really hard for me to take and to deal with. I think I'm doing good and then WHAM! Another pregnancy announcement. It's so hard to deal with infertility when everyone around you is getting pregnant with no problem. Especially when I've done nothing bad or wrong. I've never smoked, don't drink often, never been over weight, exercise regularly, eat fairly well. This whole thing sucks.
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