Tuesday, September 6, 2016

It Ends in a Chemical Pregnancy

IVF cycle 1 is a failure. My 2nd beta today came back as <5 or negative for hcg (pregnancy hormone). I got a positve hpt on Friday at 12dp5dt. The next I tested was 14dp5dt and got a faint line on a first reaponse frer and nothing on a wondfro. At 15dp5dt I got a Not Pregnant on clearblue digital and nothing on wondro. This is a chemical pregnancy, or early miscarriage.

I suppose it's good to know I CAN get pregnant. I have never had any positive test in the two years we've been ttc. But this totally and completely sucks. From what I've read most chemical pregnancies are a result of implanation problems or a problem with the egg. So it also sucks to think this is my fault and my body isn't doing something that is supposed to be so natural and is so easy for so many people.

We will meet with our RE next week to talk about what went wrong and what we will do next time. Hubs and I both want to move onto another cycle as soon as possible and because we didn't have any embryos to freeze we will be starting from scratch. Hopefully we can start as soon as I have my period and we can be on the schedule for the October ivf group.

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