Friday, September 2, 2016

Beta Day Arrived!

I'm now 12dp5ft, also know as Beta Day! I finally took a HPT this morning and got a positive! I promptly started freaking the fuck out - crying and shaking. I woke my husband up to let him know the news. Somehow I made it to work and even though I only had a half day scheduled I don't know how I made it through the day. The nurse called with my results around 1:00pm and told us the beta was positive! I can probably count on one hand the amount of times I've seen my husband cry and this was one of them <3 My number is 56 and from stalking  Dr. Google for two weeks now it seems like a low number. So yes, right now I am pregnant (eek!!!!!) but I'm being very very cautiously optimistic. It sounds like a lot of people with numbers around mine ended up with chemical pregnancies.

Because of the holiday weekend we don't go back for another beta on Tuesday, 4 days after our first draw instead of the typical 2. by then we should be well above 200. So we shall see!!

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