Thursday, October 26, 2017

40 Week Update

I will be 40 weeks tomorrow and still no baby......

So much for 3 different doctors telling me since 36 weeks I'd be early......

I'm still about 2cm dilated and 70% effaced, so no major changes since last appointment. We scheduled an induction for next Thursday in case Baby doesn't show up on their own. I like having an end date. I'm very much a type B person, expect when it comes to schedules and punctuality. It has been driving me nuts to not know when this baby could show up! Maybe Baby is just waiting for their actual due date? You would think I was used to uncertainty and nothing going as planned at this point after going through fertility treatments, but nope, I still have very specific expectations and hate when they aren't met. And that's going to go over really well with a baby, right? #eyeroll #sarcasm

Pregnancy Week: 40 weeks
Cravings: None
Aversions: My appetite is pretty much back to normal and my food aversions are still the same. I don't even bother thinking about cooking chicken or most veggies anymore. 
Symptoms: A lot of crying and self pitying. I also have a verrryyyy weak bladder and wear liners now (pregnancy is so glamorous) (it's also very embarrassing and makes me cry even more). I also still have the contractions (no painful ones that make me think I'm in labor. Just tightness), cramping, and tiredness.
Weight Gain: 15lbs! Finally!
Emotional Breakdowns: About a million.
Achievements: Scheduling an induction.

I am a giraffe.

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