Little Baby H was born 10/28/17! 12:27pm, 8lb 7oz, 21.5 inches long. He's just the best baby 😍😍
I woke up at 5:30am Friday morning with contractions that were 5 min apart and lasted about a minute for over an hour. I thought "This is it! Baby is coming on his due date!" When my husband woke up for work I told him he should maybe stay home instead.
We kept tracking contractions throughout the day, but they didn't progress. Didn't get closer, didn't get more painful. I was so frustrated. I kept going for walks, even in the rain, and spent a lot of time bousing and rolling on my exercise ball hoping that would proress things, but nothing. I finally fell sleep around 1130, going in and out of sleep with contractions all night and woke up at 1:30am not able to go to sleep again.
My contractions were worse, 2 minutes apart for over a minute. I woke my husband up after an hour and he called the dr who gave us the go ahead to go to the hospital! We left our house at 2:47am and arrived at the hospital at 3:05am. We got through registration painlessly, you know, because it was 3am and no one was there, and got to a triage room on the L&D floor. I was so afraid I wouldn't be dilated anymore than the 2 I had been for weeks, but my initial exam the dr said I was a 4.5-5cm, 80% effaced, -2 station so I got admitted! We were going to have a baby!
We got moved to a delivery room right away and settled in. Around 5:30 my dr gave us the option of breaking my water. I was unsure at first because I didnt want unnecessary interventions, but we went through with it because we wanted get this show on the road. The dr broke my water around 6:30am and dang those contractions really intensified! I had been doing ok with the contractions previously but very quickly they became very painful. I was unsure going in about an epidural but at 8am I asked for one and received: it around 8:45. It was only working on the right half and it took until about 9:45, and two boosters, before it worked all over, but when it did?? Omg I'm soo glad I got it.
I was shaking so bad and threw up around 10am so the dr checked me and I was 7cm, 90%, -1.It was nice to know things were still heading in the right direction, and I was proud i lasted until 7cm for the epidural. I was able to fall sleep until about 11:30am and after 2 nights of very little, poor sleep, it felt so good! The dr came back around 11:45am, said I was complete and it was go time! Baby was born after about 45 min of pushing at 12:27pm. I had an episiotomy because I had a band of tissue that just wasn't stretching, but after they cut he popped out on the next push. Again, it was an intervention I didn't want (and of course, who DOES want that?!?!) but baby's heart rate was dropping quite a bit, and though the nurse and doctor tried not to act like it was a major emergency, both my husband and I could sense some urgency in them so we went ahead with it. It was worth it to get Baby out safely.
The moment of his birth was so surreal. All of a sudden there was a baby on my chest and I remember thinking 'oh my god that's a baby!' It seems like a weird thought after carrying the baby for 40 weeks, but that's what my crazy head did :) I had a wonderful birth experience. I really wouldn't change a single thing about it, and would love if my next was the same. I had a great delivery dr and nurse, and the rest of the staff was amazing as well. I will write a seperate update about the rest of our hospital stay when I get more time (caring for a newborn is no joke! Who knew?)
We are so thrilled and happy and in love with our new addition.
This blog is one couple's journey to start a family. 2 years TTC, 3 IUIs, 2 IVFs, 1 chemical pregnancy, and one upcoming FET. I'll just be over here, blogging my feelings. And memes. Lots of those.
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Thursday, October 26, 2017
40 Week Update
I will be 40 weeks tomorrow and still no baby......
So much for 3 different doctors telling me since 36 weeks I'd be early......
I'm still about 2cm dilated and 70% effaced, so no major changes since last appointment. We scheduled an induction for next Thursday in case Baby doesn't show up on their own. I like having an end date. I'm very much a type B person, expect when it comes to schedules and punctuality. It has been driving me nuts to not know when this baby could show up! Maybe Baby is just waiting for their actual due date? You would think I was used to uncertainty and nothing going as planned at this point after going through fertility treatments, but nope, I still have very specific expectations and hate when they aren't met. And that's going to go over really well with a baby, right? #eyeroll #sarcasm
Pregnancy Week: 40 weeks
Cravings: None
Aversions: My appetite is pretty much back to normal and my food aversions are still the same. I don't even bother thinking about cooking chicken or most veggies anymore.
Symptoms: A lot of crying and self pitying. I also have a verrryyyy weak bladder and wear liners now (pregnancy is so glamorous) (it's also very embarrassing and makes me cry even more). I also still have the contractions (no painful ones that make me think I'm in labor. Just tightness), cramping, and tiredness.
Weight Gain: 15lbs! Finally!
Emotional Breakdowns: About a million.
Achievements: Scheduling an induction.
So much for 3 different doctors telling me since 36 weeks I'd be early......
I'm still about 2cm dilated and 70% effaced, so no major changes since last appointment. We scheduled an induction for next Thursday in case Baby doesn't show up on their own. I like having an end date. I'm very much a type B person, expect when it comes to schedules and punctuality. It has been driving me nuts to not know when this baby could show up! Maybe Baby is just waiting for their actual due date? You would think I was used to uncertainty and nothing going as planned at this point after going through fertility treatments, but nope, I still have very specific expectations and hate when they aren't met. And that's going to go over really well with a baby, right? #eyeroll #sarcasm
Pregnancy Week: 40 weeks
Cravings: None
Aversions: My appetite is pretty much back to normal and my food aversions are still the same. I don't even bother thinking about cooking chicken or most veggies anymore.
Symptoms: A lot of crying and self pitying. I also have a verrryyyy weak bladder and wear liners now (pregnancy is so glamorous) (it's also very embarrassing and makes me cry even more). I also still have the contractions (no painful ones that make me think I'm in labor. Just tightness), cramping, and tiredness.
Weight Gain: 15lbs! Finally!
Emotional Breakdowns: About a million.
Achievements: Scheduling an induction.
I am a giraffe. |
Monday, October 23, 2017
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
39 Week Update
Still here. Still pregnant. Still waiting.
I'm 2cm dilated and 70% effaced, which is no change from last week, but the dr said it's still good progress. If they do have to induce me it shouldn't be as hard and would potentially just start me on pitocin instead of having to get cervadil first. If I make it to my appointment next week then we will schedule an induction for 41 weeks just in case (I'm hoping I don't make it passed the weekend). Baby is getting even lower and the Dr. seemed surprised I was still walking 30-45 minutes every day with how low they are! In the last day or two I've noticed a lot more contractions, especially between last evening and now. I hadn't been timing them because they aren't painful at all, but I'm beginning to think maybe I should. Other than that it's still same old same old! Waiting waiting waiting....
Pregnancy Week: 39 weeks
Cravings: None
Aversions: I've had more of an appetite the last few weeks, I think because baby has dropped so I have some more room in my stomach these days.
Symptoms: Cramping, contractions, tiredness.
Weight Gain: 13.9 lbs.Stomach measuring 36cm, up from 34 last week.
Emotional Breakdowns: Quite a few. I sobbed for an hour last week while watching Dancing With the Stars, plus a few other crying moments.
Achievements: We're all set and ready for this baby! We're just waiting to meet them!!
I'm 2cm dilated and 70% effaced, which is no change from last week, but the dr said it's still good progress. If they do have to induce me it shouldn't be as hard and would potentially just start me on pitocin instead of having to get cervadil first. If I make it to my appointment next week then we will schedule an induction for 41 weeks just in case (I'm hoping I don't make it passed the weekend). Baby is getting even lower and the Dr. seemed surprised I was still walking 30-45 minutes every day with how low they are! In the last day or two I've noticed a lot more contractions, especially between last evening and now. I hadn't been timing them because they aren't painful at all, but I'm beginning to think maybe I should. Other than that it's still same old same old! Waiting waiting waiting....
Pregnancy Week: 39 weeks
Cravings: None
Aversions: I've had more of an appetite the last few weeks, I think because baby has dropped so I have some more room in my stomach these days.
Symptoms: Cramping, contractions, tiredness.
Weight Gain: 13.9 lbs.Stomach measuring 36cm, up from 34 last week.
Emotional Breakdowns: Quite a few. I sobbed for an hour last week while watching Dancing With the Stars, plus a few other crying moments.
Achievements: We're all set and ready for this baby! We're just waiting to meet them!!
Every time I've called someone in the last week. |
Monday, October 9, 2017
37 Week Update
Today is 37+3. At our 37 week appointment last week I was 1.5 cm dilated, 70% effaced. The dr said it was good progress and if I do end up needing to be induced it should make things a bit easier since I'm 'ripe' (hubs and I both giggled at that because we're very mature adults).
I've been having menstrual like cramps every day and contractions some days. I also have been getting this leg pain for about 2 weeks now randomly. It's in the inside upper thigh, almost groin area and feels almost like a charley horse. It makes my whole leg buckle and is very painful. The internet tells me it is baby pressing on a nerve. I forgot to bring it up to my dr last appointment but it has happened quite a bit more lately so it's on my list for this next appointment.
I'm still not gaining weight like I should. At 37 week appointment I had lost weight, about a pound. I think the dr. thinks I have an eating disorder so that's really great. I still haven't made it to gaining 15 lbs. He sent us for a growth scan again and baby is measuring right on track according to the ultrasound tech. She said baby's estimated weight is 6lbs 8 oz so nice and healthy!
I hit a new milestone. I had made it this far with only having to wake up once to pee at night but this past week I started having to get up twice most nights. Whomp whomp. Luckily I fall right back asleep but it still sucks having to get up when you're nice and cozy.
I'm hoping to make it another week and a half to 2 weeks, and no more than that. But whenever baby decides to come we have the nursery all set and decorated finally! We are going to install the car seat tomorrow and besides my husband's hospital bag we are set set set!
I've been having menstrual like cramps every day and contractions some days. I also have been getting this leg pain for about 2 weeks now randomly. It's in the inside upper thigh, almost groin area and feels almost like a charley horse. It makes my whole leg buckle and is very painful. The internet tells me it is baby pressing on a nerve. I forgot to bring it up to my dr last appointment but it has happened quite a bit more lately so it's on my list for this next appointment.
I'm still not gaining weight like I should. At 37 week appointment I had lost weight, about a pound. I think the dr. thinks I have an eating disorder so that's really great. I still haven't made it to gaining 15 lbs. He sent us for a growth scan again and baby is measuring right on track according to the ultrasound tech. She said baby's estimated weight is 6lbs 8 oz so nice and healthy!
I hit a new milestone. I had made it this far with only having to wake up once to pee at night but this past week I started having to get up twice most nights. Whomp whomp. Luckily I fall right back asleep but it still sucks having to get up when you're nice and cozy.
I'm hoping to make it another week and a half to 2 weeks, and no more than that. But whenever baby decides to come we have the nursery all set and decorated finally! We are going to install the car seat tomorrow and besides my husband's hospital bag we are set set set!
Sunday, October 1, 2017
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