Monday, February 20, 2017

Last half of TWW

6dp5dt: Period like cramps, mentally and emotionally exhausted, majorly miserable mood.
7dp5dt: Much better mood wise. I wanted to cry non stop for 3 days so I'm glad that's over (Edit: So apparently that was depression. I've literally never had a mood swing/felt that terrible before. I felt hopeless, lost, worthless, defeated, pessimistic, etc (look up despair in the dictionary and my face will be there). I knew I felt miserable and there was absolutely nothing I could do about it. I really hope my head never goes there again. It was a terrible and scary place to be). My boobs are a little less sore and I'm having some period like cramps.
8dp5dt: I've noticed more vaginal discharge lately (white, wet). My cervix is also tightly closed and softish. Slightly sore boobs and cramps.
9dp5dt: cramps, tired, sore boos.
10dp5dt: Less of an appetite, cramps, sore boobs, discharge, headache.
11dp5dt: Less of an appetite, cramps, sore boobs, discharge, headache finally went away.
12dp5dt: Beta Day! This Schrodinger's Cat two weeks is finally over. Now we wait to find out our fate.

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