Monday, February 13, 2017

First Half of TWW

So I'm half way through the tww. It's been hard and difficult.

1dp5dt:Tired, emotional.
2dp5dt: Exhausted, very mild cramps.
3dp5dt: Sore boobs, not as tired, very mild cramps, crazy emotional (aka sobbing, thinking there is now way it could have worked)
4dp5dt: Sore boobs, asleep by 9:15pm, mild cramps, cervix is very tightly closed, medium height, and squishy.
5dp5dt: Mild carmps, sore boobs.

Blood work today:
Estradiol: 217
Progesterone: 36.5

I'm sick of this and need Monday to get here faster.

So many emotions (and a lot of negative ones, unfortunately)

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