Monday, February 27, 2017

Beta #3

Beta #1: 650
Beta #2: 2134
Beta #3: 3737

Today is Beta #4. I'm super nervous.

My breasts are sore and a little fuller and I have cramps every now and then. I don't have any other symptoms and that makes me nervous. Also with how everything has gone over the last 2.5 years it's hard to think something could be going the right way for once.

I found this chart online which is making me feel a little better. HCG doubling slows as it gets higher.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Beta #1 - 12dp5dt - 650
Beta #2 - 14dp5dt - 2134
Beta #3 is today!!!

Monday, February 20, 2017

Last half of TWW

6dp5dt: Period like cramps, mentally and emotionally exhausted, majorly miserable mood.
7dp5dt: Much better mood wise. I wanted to cry non stop for 3 days so I'm glad that's over (Edit: So apparently that was depression. I've literally never had a mood swing/felt that terrible before. I felt hopeless, lost, worthless, defeated, pessimistic, etc (look up despair in the dictionary and my face will be there). I knew I felt miserable and there was absolutely nothing I could do about it. I really hope my head never goes there again. It was a terrible and scary place to be). My boobs are a little less sore and I'm having some period like cramps.
8dp5dt: I've noticed more vaginal discharge lately (white, wet). My cervix is also tightly closed and softish. Slightly sore boobs and cramps.
9dp5dt: cramps, tired, sore boos.
10dp5dt: Less of an appetite, cramps, sore boobs, discharge, headache.
11dp5dt: Less of an appetite, cramps, sore boobs, discharge, headache finally went away.
12dp5dt: Beta Day! This Schrodinger's Cat two weeks is finally over. Now we wait to find out our fate.

Monday, February 13, 2017

First Half of TWW

So I'm half way through the tww. It's been hard and difficult.

1dp5dt:Tired, emotional.
2dp5dt: Exhausted, very mild cramps.
3dp5dt: Sore boobs, not as tired, very mild cramps, crazy emotional (aka sobbing, thinking there is now way it could have worked)
4dp5dt: Sore boobs, asleep by 9:15pm, mild cramps, cervix is very tightly closed, medium height, and squishy.
5dp5dt: Mild carmps, sore boobs.

Blood work today:
Estradiol: 217
Progesterone: 36.5

I'm sick of this and need Monday to get here faster.

So many emotions (and a lot of negative ones, unfortunately)

Friday, February 10, 2017


2 days post 5 day transfer: The nurse called with my labs from transfer Day: Estrogen was 713, and they want it above 150; Progesterone was 40, and they want it above 10. So far so good. I get labs again on Monday.

Thursday, February 9, 2017


Today is one day post our 5 day transfer.

Transfer Day: Transfer went really well! Our AA day 5 blastocyst thawed perfectly and was already hatching. Last time our best embryo was only an early blast BB. So far things are looking up! The doctor had no problems with the procedure and it was over very quickly. I spent the rest of the day hanging out on the sofa and it was great. I took my 2nd valium before bed and zonked out for 10 hours.

1dp5dt: I decided to work from home today and tomorrow to keep my stress down. I have a Patrice at work who drives me nuts. If I can avoid her these first few days it will make me feel a lot better.

 Snuggle in tight little embryo!!!


Monday, February 6, 2017

2 Days until FET!

FET is on Wednesday so only two days away!

I was away at a work conference last week and my takeaway from it was: People have GOT TO STOP ASKING WHEN OTHERS ARE GOING TO HAVE KIDS/IF THEY WANT KIDS/ETC.

My boss asked my this twice this past week, and while I don't think it came from any place malicious, he has no idea what I'm dealing with or going through and how that seemingly simple question can make me, or anyone else feel. My reproductive health is none of your concern, bro.

In the "Other News" portion of our program:

Finished Lupron on 2/2/17 - During my conference we were always out, away from the hotel during my injection time slot so I was doing my injections in dirty bar bathrooms, trying to juggle vials and needles and alcohol wipes. Glad that's over with.

Started progesterone on 2/3/17. I was out of town from 1/31/17-2/5/17 so my nurse gave me crinone for 3 days so I wouldn't have to stick myself with that huge as needle. Crinone is a mess, people. I am also glad to be finished with that! Though, this morning my first PIO didn't go as planned. The nurse said they want me to do it in the AM but that I can move it to PM after transfer (I'm not a morning person), so 6am today my husband did my shot. It hurt a lot more than I remembered the other PIOs hurting and after he removed the needle he said "oops. I didn't change the needle to the smaller one". Which explains why I feel like I got hit up with a horse needle! Better luck tomorrow I suppose.

I'm currently on three estradiol patches a day until told otherwise.

Beta is 2 weeks away!

Good call on the size 7 feet, Chrissy