Wednesday, April 6, 2016

May the Odds Be Ever in your Favor

Today was the day! We had our first IUI procedure. We arrived at the clinic at 7:45am so DH could make his donation to the cause. My appointment wasn't until 10:00am so they could wash and prepare the sperm. We went out to breakfast to kill some time and because who can really say no to bacon. We got back to the clinic around 9:45am and waited about 5 minutes before Nurse Carly called us back. DH's sperm was 4.7ml after the wash with 87% motility. Hopefully my two follicles grew nice and juicy since Monday and they'll give us at least one perfect little egg. The procedure was very quick and completely painless; nothing like an HSG, thank goodness!! The nurse had me lay there for about 15 minutes afterwards and then we were on our way! I have a blood progesterone test on Monday morning and then a blood pregnancy test scheduled for the Monday after that. May the odds be ever in our favor!

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