Monday, April 4, 2016

CD13 and Clomid Cries

I've never been happier about my follicles before! Today was my CD13 ultrasound to check follicle size. I have two on the right size at 18.5 each. I may or may not have teared up when the ultrasound tech told me they were big enough to trigger. I'll do (ok, Husband will do) the trigger tonight between 7-9pm and then our IUI is scheduled from Wednesday! Hubs has to be there at 8am for his donation and then the actual IUI will be at 10am.

After the awful clomid mood swings of last week I'm feeling very hopeful and excited about the procedure. But also incredibly nervous; not of the procedure but of getting my hopes up too high...

And not for a sample of things that made me cry last week:

1.  THIS video of an old wombat:

2. This picture sent to me by a coworker:

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