Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Beta Draw

I had my beta draw on Monday morning and the dr's office called in the afternoon to let me know it was negative. I took a FRER on Sunday morning which came back negative so I figured Monday's would be too. Being the unprofessional that I am, I put my client on hold so I could take the call form the dr. I didn't cry on the phone or at my desk on Monday so I'd consider that a successful day.

We will be doing another IUI with the same protocol so now it's just a waiting game for AF. I'm hoping she arrives on Thursday. I have a trip planned to visit my family next weekend and depending when AF comes I will have to change my flights. I'm currently scheduled to fly back home on the night of Monday, 5/2, but If I get AF today (Wednesday) I will have my CD 13 ultrasound on Monday 5/2 so I'll have to change my flight to Sunday evening. If I get AF on Thursday I'll have my CD 13 ultrasound on Tuesday 5/3. I will still be changing my flight though to arrive early in the morning on Monday so I don't have to take any of my PTO. I will be taking a half day on IUI day again so I don't want to be using more days than I need to! (did that make any sense? I think I was just rambling)

I'm also going to stop acupuncture treatments for now. I've been going fairly consistently since December and I think at this point I (and my wallet) just need a break. I am also going to stop my no-dairy diet. I'm going to still keep an eye on my sugar intake, but not be extreme about it. I think all these other things have been stressing me out more than necessary and sometimes a girl just wants some damn m&ms. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Progesterone Levels

I had my progesterone levels checked yesterday, which was cycle day 20/6days post IUI. I'm at 37.1. Everything I've read shows that means I have ovulated and have a high enough level to sustain a pregnancy (if, of course, the sperm and egg actually met up). Most things i've read say drs want you to be above 15 if you've had an un-medicated cycle and 30 if it's a medicated cycle. So far so good.

Here is a picture of a kitten. Because it's cute.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

May the Odds Be Ever in your Favor

Today was the day! We had our first IUI procedure. We arrived at the clinic at 7:45am so DH could make his donation to the cause. My appointment wasn't until 10:00am so they could wash and prepare the sperm. We went out to breakfast to kill some time and because who can really say no to bacon. We got back to the clinic around 9:45am and waited about 5 minutes before Nurse Carly called us back. DH's sperm was 4.7ml after the wash with 87% motility. Hopefully my two follicles grew nice and juicy since Monday and they'll give us at least one perfect little egg. The procedure was very quick and completely painless; nothing like an HSG, thank goodness!! The nurse had me lay there for about 15 minutes afterwards and then we were on our way! I have a blood progesterone test on Monday morning and then a blood pregnancy test scheduled for the Monday after that. May the odds be ever in our favor!

Monday, April 4, 2016

CD13 and Clomid Cries

I've never been happier about my follicles before! Today was my CD13 ultrasound to check follicle size. I have two on the right size at 18.5 each. I may or may not have teared up when the ultrasound tech told me they were big enough to trigger. I'll do (ok, Husband will do) the trigger tonight between 7-9pm and then our IUI is scheduled from Wednesday! Hubs has to be there at 8am for his donation and then the actual IUI will be at 10am.

After the awful clomid mood swings of last week I'm feeling very hopeful and excited about the procedure. But also incredibly nervous; not of the procedure but of getting my hopes up too high...

And not for a sample of things that made me cry last week:

1.  THIS video of an old wombat:

2. This picture sent to me by a coworker: