We had our 28 week appointment and glucose test on Monday. I lost weight between the 24 week and 28 week appointment so I have to go back in 2 weeks instead of 4 to monitor. My fundal height is finally measuring on track at 28 cm instead of being 3 weeks ahead like at my last two appointments.
The glucose test wasn't bad at all. My doctor recommended fasting (not required) saying they tend to see more people pass who have fasted beforehand. That was the worst part of the whole test. It seems like the whole of the internet thinks the drink is the most terrible thing to pass their lips. I thought it just tasted like orange soda. Our dr was very on time that day so we waited for about 45 minutes in the waiting room before my blood draw. They took 5 tubes of blood and sent us on our way. I was starving by this point so I mobile ordered a bagel from Dunkin Donuts and of course they lost my order receipt and I had to wait 10 minutes for them to figure out what was going on and get my my food. Note to Dunkin: Don't make the fasting pregnant lady wait. She's hungry :)
I got my results on Thursday and passed with a 127 with a cutoff of 135. Woo!! Milkshakes here I come!
Baby has been kicking me in my left ovary lately which is really pleasant, let me tell you. These ovaries have taken enough torture the last few years Baby! Try kicking something else for a little while please!
We are still working on getting the baby's room together. I might take a trip to Ikea this weekend, but I hate crowds so much so I'm trying to find the best time to go, which would of course be weeknights but then I just really love sitting on my sofa after work. I feel like we have so much to do and no time to do it. My always lengthening list of things to do:
- Put together the crib
- Select and purchase a chair for the nursery (rocker or glider??)
- Keep stocking up on diapers and wipes (I put a box of 900 wipes on our registry. I then looked up how long it should last. One month says internet moms. ONE month. Holy cow.)
- Organize the dresser
- Organize the closet
- Continue packing the hospital bags. I can check toiletries off the list. I saw people saying they didn't pack those until they were actually in labor because it was things they used everyday, but I just bought travel-sized items. I just want to be packed and not have to worry.
- Buy a chest freezer for breast milk and frozen meals
- Make frozen meals
- Figure out how breast pumping works
Cravings: None
Aversions: Chicken. Like always.
Symptoms: Still have a small appetite. Maybe I need to start drinking Boost.
Weight Gain: 12 lbs.Currently at 10 total.
Emotional Breakdowns:One, but it was because I hate my haircut. The stylist cut off 2.5 inches more than I asked.
Achievements: Reached the 3rd Trimester!
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