Friday, August 25, 2017

31 Week Update

We've hit 31 weeks! We had a follow up appointment last week about my weight gain. At the time of my appointment I was only up 11 pounds. I have another appointment next week with an ultrasound to check baby's growth. The dr didn't seem too alarmed. He said if I gain a pound a week until delivery I'll hit about 20 which would still be good. But a week later, as of this morning I've only gained 0.2 pounds. So things aren't looking up in that department.
I feel like when I talk about this with other people they brush it off, or act like I'm lucky or won the lottery. Because what girl WANTS to gain weight, right? With all we've been through for this baby I am trying to do the best I possibly can to give them the best start in life. That's my job as mom/baby grower. Not gaining enough weight is just as bad as gaining too much weight, but it seems like most people don't see it like that and it's upsetting. I'm so afraid I'm doing something wrong and hurting this poor little one.
The good thing is that my stomach is definitely growing. Each day I feel like I have to sit further and further away from my desk at work. And Baby is very active! Moving around like a ping pong ball. They really like to stick little body parts under my rib cage and to kick my left ovary.

Pregnancy Week: 31 weeks, third trimester.
Cravings: None
Aversions: Same as always.
Symptoms: Extra tired. Heartburn has really started kicking in. Also still a very small appetite (i had half a dunkin donut this morning and was full. I used to want two at a time!). I've started drinking smoothies to help gain weight. Plain greek yogurt, avocado, whole milk, some fruit juice, frozen berries, fresh banana, spinach.
Weight Gain: 11.2 pounds.
Emotional Breakdowns:Two. The past few days I've felt overly emotional. I cried in the shower thinking about Baby and my weight and if I'm hurting them :( I also cried in an Old Navy dressing room because the jean jacket I tried on looked terrible and my hairstylist fucked up and I think my haircut looks like The Rachael from Friends.
Achievements:We have all the large pieces of the nursery set up! Glider, crib, dresser, rug. Next on my to-do list is to tackle the closet and get the decorative pieces hung.
I also got my T-Dap and Flu vaccines!

So much grunting. When I sit, when I stand, when I bend over. Basically always.

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