Thursday, July 27, 2017

3 months Until Baby's Due Date

Today marks 3 months until Baby's due date! I can't believe it's that close, but still so far. I still don't really have much to complain about, pregnancy-wise. I did have my first swelling episode over the past weekend: My toes looked like sausages and I couldn't see the bones and tendons in my feet like I normally can. But we were sitting outside for a few hours in 90 degree heat and (what felt like) 100% humidity. The next morning they looked much better, so I'm hoping it's just a rare occurrence.

I bought a Snoogle pregnancy pillow and it's been really great. I debated for a while and looked at a lot of different types before ending up with the Snoogle. I did test it out on a bed at Bed Bath and Beyond before buying it (+20% off coup!). I use it both ways, with the long part against my back and my front and so far so good! (I DO regret not paying the $10 more for the zipper cover though! That thing was a bitch to get off to wash and back on! Upgrade to the zipper cover, people!) I do get up a few nights a week to pee, but have no trouble going back to sleep quickly. I try not to drink anything an hour before bedtime to help mitigate the pee problem. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't.

I also started going back to the gym, which I have been paying for but haven't been too since before our transfer in February. I've walking outside, but this mid summer heat has been brutal and I'm afraid it will make me swell! So back to the gym! It is nice to switch it up and do something besides walking. Yesterday I used the elipical! Woo! I also got to test drive my new support belt. I don't really know if it seemed to make a difference, but maybe as I get bigger I will? I need to buy new work out clothes. Every time I think I have enough clothing to get me through the rest of this pregnancy I'm proven wrong. All of my pre-pregnancy workout gear is getting too tight and uncomfortable. I hate spending money on something I'm only going to wear for a few months; it seems like such a waste. I'm hoping just going the next size up will be fine and that I won't have to get actual maternity gear, because just like weddings, slap the word baby on something and the price skyrockets.

Last exciting bit: My breast pump came in the mail this week! I went with the Spectra S2 and thanks to the Affordable Care Act it was free! #ilovefree Now I'm trying to figure out how many bottles a pumping/working mom needs and how many extra parts I need, etc. Luckily I have a few months to figure that out. Breast pumps: The things I get excited about now.

Other than that we're just cruising along at this point. My 1-hour glucose test is next week and I'm REALLY hoping I pass. I'm not dreading the drink or the blood draw, just the results!

Just substitute beer with wine.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

99 Days!

Today is 99 days until Little Babe's due date!!! I can't believe we are down to double digits (though, let's be real, 99 is still a LOT of days!)!

We never heard from our regular OB after our fetal echo-cardiogram so I'm assuming that means everything is ok.

We got the rug down and the dresser put together in the baby's room. And then we promptly filled up the room with a ton of baby things from our first baby shower! I do have to say I feel so lucky and fortunate that every single person who attended actually bought something from our registry. We've all been to those showers (wedding and baby) where people go totally off the reservation and buy something weird and random and you have no idea what to do with. And you say thank you this is amazing! And secretly are trying to figure out where it is so you can return it for something you will use.... (This isn't just me right?)

Anyways, I'm slightly panicked because this first shower was a third of the size of my second shower later this summer and I have NO idea where things are going to go! We need to reorganize and declutter the house asap!

My latest obsession is baby schedules, feeding/pumping schedules, going back to work schedules, etc. I've been reading every article and blog trying to figure out how the heck women go back to work. I don't want to leave the little one! (I also don't want to have to wake up earlier than I already do lolol)

Pregnancy Week: 25 (26 weeks tomorrow!)
Cravings: None
Aversions: Chicken. Like always.
Symptoms: Very small appetite, lost a pound.
Weight Gain: 12 lbs.
Emotional Breakdowns: Half of one.
Achievements: Cluttered Baby's room.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

23+5 - Fetal Echocardiogram

Today I am 23 weeks + 5 days and it's been a busy week for appointments!
Today we had a fetal echocardiogram. Our OB had us schedule this because there is some evidence that IVF babies have a higher risk of heart defects. Our appointment was for 8am and it took about 45 minutes. The tech went through every little detail of the heart so we go t a nice long look at Little Babe. Baby was mostly cooperative, though it's arm was in the way for a little bit, casting a shadow on the heart, so she kept trying to get Baby to move.

I also almost passed out from being on my back! I've passed out before (though not while pregnant) so I'm very aware of what it feels like setting in. I started to get uncomfortable, and breathing weird, and sweaty. When I spoke my voice was muffled. She had me move on my side and I felt much better pretty fast, but then she needed me to move again to my back for a few minutes to get another view and the feelings set in again. I was just telling a friend on Monday, 2 days ago, that laying on my back hasn't been a problem. So much for that! I will definitely have to be careful moving forward!

The tech said everything looked great with the heart and we also had her check for the subchorionic hematoma they found during the anatomy scan. She said it looked like it had all cleared up which is great (and really great that we were able to cancel our additional ultrasound for tomorrow. Save those dollars).

We had our regular 24 week OB appointment on Monday (23+3) this week as well. Baby's heart beat was good, but the doctor said I was measuring 27 with fundal height. It's the 2nd appointment in a row I've measured 3+ weeks ahead. If Baby measures ahead again like this we will have to have another ultrasound at the MFM. I certainly don't feel big and when I look at pictures of people in the same week of pregnancy I don't think I look bigger at all! I have read that fundal height is really screwy and not a great predictor but of course I'm stressed about it. Hopefully next appointment we measure right on track.

Pregnancy Week 23:
Cravings: Still none.
Symptoms: Heartburn, almost passing out if on my back.
Weight Gain: 10 lbs.
Emotional Breakdowns: One.
Achievements: Painted Little Babe's room!