Thursday, March 30, 2017

9w5d: First OB Appointment

How far along: 9 weeks, 6 days
Symptoms: Bloating, hungry, tired.
Cravings: Nothing in particular.
Aversions: Chicken
Highlights of the week: Last PIO!

We FINALLY had our first regular OB appointment! We arrived right on time, had to fill out some new pregnancy paperwork, and waited about 15 minutes to be seen (thank goodness because I had to pee so bad, I was about to ask if I could pee in the cup while we waited). Crazy lady in the waiting room was complaining to the front desk she had been waiting over 30 minutes to be seen. Heaven forbid you have to wait in a dr office waiting room. Join the club lady.

Anyways, when we were called back I was weighed (evil Dr. office scale says I am heavier than my very nice home scale says. Rude), peed in a cup, had BP checked (112/72, nice!), and sent back to the room to wait for the Dr. We had to wait about 35 more minutes in the room for the dr, which is still nice than being at work, so was I complaining? Nope.

Our appointment was with a dr. I hadn't seen before at this practice and she was wonderful. I never felt rushed during our appointment. She asked what questions I had:
1. Can I exercise again - YES!! HALLELUJAH. I can jog, use weights, and do all the things I've been dying to do. She said to keep HR under 150 and not get out of breath. Done.
2. Can I drink tea again - The internet says you can drink tea and the internet says you can't drink tea. I wasn't a tea person until we started infertility treatments. My acupuncturist has recommended a few teas and it now became a part of my regular routine and I find it relaxing. I usually drink peppermint, chamomile, and dandelion, which the doc said was all totally fine. Yay!

Dr. went over all our history (and there was a lot of it) and next steps. Because we did PGS and I had genetic blood screening she said the regular genetic blood screening and 12 week ultrasound aren't really necessary and much more optional. She said she didn't recommend or not recommend and that it was totally optional. I'm going to call my insurance to see if it's covered, because if it is then sure I'll get another picture of the little one! She also said their high risk doctor recommends an additional ultrasound around 22/24 weeks to check the heart because apparently IVF can raise the risk of heart defects. I think we'll definitely be doing that one.

We finished our appointment with an ultrasound of Little Babe. Oh my goodness I miss my RE clinic's ultrasound machine! The quality was SO much better! We did get to see the heart beat, Doc said it was in the 160s, and Little Babe was wiggling and moving it's hands and feet for us <3 <3 <3

If we do the genetic screening I will go for blood work next week, 12 week scan the following week (OMG 12 weeks already?!), then 16 week appt.

I'm so happy everything is going so well so far! 10 weeks finally feels real! It feels significant. I'm so so happy <3

PS: Today is my last PIO! My butt is SO happy.

Monday, March 27, 2017

7w6d: Ultrasound!

Oh goodness, I realized I never updated after our last appointment! We went in to our RE clinic for another ultrasound at 7w6d. Little Babe measured 8w1d with a heart rate of 171bmp. It was actually starting to look like a baby! It is always such a relief to see it with it's little heart beating away on the screen.
And the best news is that was our last RE appointment!! We have officially graduated!!

Our first OB appointment is later this week at 9w5d. I'm totally off estrogen patches and I should only have 4 PIO injections left! My but is going to be so happy. If my OB tells me I need to stay on PIO longer I might just have a breakdown in the drs office.

We have also finally told our families. We told parents, grandparents, and siblings, as well as a few very close friends. Other than those people we are going to keep it quiet for a few weeks longer.

  • I had major food aversions for about two weeks, which finally abated during the last week. Vegetables and protein turned my face green. I've basically been surviving off of fruit and carbs.
  • Bloated: I have add to use the hair tie trick during the last week. I think of combination of general bloat as well as my all carb diet has contributed to my expanding waist line at this point. I'm still getting some exercise in, but my RE said to stick to walking for now which sucks. I'm hoping my OB clears me for some weights and jogging!
  • Tired: I want all the sleep. 

Friday, March 10, 2017

6w5d: Ultrasound

On Wednesday we had another ultrasound at 6 weeks, 5 days. Little Babe has gotten bigger and is more blob shaped than cute little soap bubble. I measured at 7 weeks and heart was at 135 bpm, so everything was still great looking!

It's such a relief to see that little heart beating away. I haven't really had symptoms; I've been tired, even after 8.5 hours of sleep, slightly sore boobs, and some slight food aversions. But not the nausea and vomiting that rom-coms and sit-coms tell me is the hallmark sign of pregnancy. This whole thing still doesn't seem real to me! I don't know if it will until I start bumping and can actually see the physical growth outside of me.

I get to start decreasing my patches to one patch every two days on Monday! And then progresterone stops at 10 weeks.

Until then, we have another ultrasound at our fertility clinic next week at 7w6d and then our first OB appointment two weeks after that. I love seeing tiny Little Babe so often :)

I'm so happy! Much like these animals:

Thursday, March 2, 2017

5w5d: First Ultrasound!

Wow, I can't believe I've actually gotten to this point! We had our first ultrasound yesterday! It feels unreal and like I'm waiting for someone to pull the rug out from under me.

Everything looked really great. Little Babe is measuring 5 weeks, 5 days which is exactly on point with my transfer date. We got to see the little heart fluttering away at 110 bpm and it was beautiful!!

We go back in a week at 6w6d and then have our first OB appointment at 7w7d

Edit: Also, I never updated after Beta #4: 10,324! Perfect!