Friday, May 5, 2017

15 week Update

Today marks 15 weeks! My app says Little Babe is the size of an eclair yuummmm.

I had been dealing with bad headaches for about 3 weeks. I would get maybe a day of relief, 2 if I was lucky, and then it would be back full force. I tried taking tylenol, drinking something with caffeine (both coke and coffee), peppermint oil on temples/back of neck, had husband massage my neck and head, ice, heat, darkness, sunshine, exercise, etc. basically anything I could think of.
I was at my wits end so I asked my dr if there was ANYthing else I could do. She prescribed me fioricet. There are mixed feelings amongst pregnant women about the medication. It contains Acetaminophen, Butalbital (a barbituate), and Caffeine and is considered a class C, meaning risk isn't ruled out. My OB prescribed it as a last resort and last resort is exactly where I was with the headaches. I would have sold my left kidney to make them go away. Normally when you have a headache for a day you can just deal with it and it goes away soon (like if you have a stomach ache or something else. You know the pain will lessen, you know what I mean?). Having a headache for so long is so draining physically and emotionally. I was nauseous from the pain and the nausea made me not have an appetite. I was crying at my desk, crying in my car, crying at home, I was so miserable. The medication worked within about 40 minutes. I actually felt hungry for the first time in a few days. I took another dose before bed because I could tell the 1st was wearing off, but when I woke up this morning without a headache I felt like a brand new person. I felt so much relief. I am SO glad I took the medication and I'm glad to know I have it in case I really truly need it again. A lot of people steer clear of all meds if possible during pregnancy and say they should just 'tough it out', but if you are truly in pain and miserable at least ask your dr about options.
etc. basically anything I could think of or read on the internet. Nothing worked. Then I had about 4 days of really really bad headaches and I gave in. I asked my dr if there was

I still am not really showing. I was hoping to have a cute little bump for vacation next week but I think I'll just look like a blob. Oh well, vacation is vacation, right?

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Updates on Updates on Updates (14 Weeks!)

OH GOODNESS I'VE BEEN TERRIBLE!! I haven't updated since our first OB appointment!

Here it goes:

We had our 12 week appointment on April 11th (11 weeks 4 days). We decided to go through with the NT scan and blood work. Originally I wasn't sure if we were going to. Because we did PGS we already know a lot more about our embryo than these tests would have told us. BUT because the testing is covered by my insurance it really was just another chance to see Little Babe! I don't think I could have gone from 10 weeks to 20 weeks without another look!

The dr told us everything looked great and we had a super duper low chance of down syndrome. He was confused by our response of "we know" because he hadn't actually read our chart #typical.

We finally made things Facebook Official at 13 weeks, 2 days. We posted a picture with a Worth the Wait onsie and all of our needles. I had been really nervous about the baby and the pregnancy in general because I hadn't been gaining weight and wasn't showing. I figured I blow up like a blimp real quick! I had been on a low sugar/carb diet eating veggies and eggs and baked chicken for so long with the IVF and FET and then with food aversions I switched to pretty much eating all the carbs all day long. But nope, no gain. So I bought a home doppler from Amazon (yay Amazon Prime!) against my doctor's advice. The first try I couldn't find the heart beat and I was trying to be ok with it and just think baby as in a bad position, but was definitely upset. We tried again an hour later and was able to find it! It was sooo nice to hear! We posted on FB soon after that little reassurance. I've used it a few times since and it's easier and easier to find the HB as Little Babe gets bigger. It's such a lovely sound <3

In the last week or so I've started noticing a little bump that is bump-like and not bloat anymore! It's much more pronounced in the morning before I pee. Then it deflates a bit haha. I like when it's bigger. It's a nice reassurance. I spent so much time over the last may years trying to stay skinny and lose weight and all that it's such a 180 for my brain that I want a bump! I want a bump now! I'm still in the awkward stage that other people would have no idea that I'm pregnant if they look at me. We are going on vacation to FL next week and I want a cute little bump for my bathing suit! I don't think that's going to be happening at this rate ha.

Today I am 14 weeks, 4 days. Our next appointment is next week at 15 weeks, 4 days.My appointments are generally very quick. I never have many questions. This appointment's set of questions include: Can I ride a bike at 20w1d? Can I eat Trader Joe's Wine Country Chicken Salad?
That's it!

Status Updates:
Baby Size: a Troll Doll, a Lemon, a House Mouse
Weight Gain: 0lbs
Symptoms: Sleepy, Headaches (omg the headaches), Food Aversions. I still can't stand the site of bake chicken or cooked veggies
Cravings: None
Other: I finished my baby registry (except picking a stroller) and have picked a wall color for the nursery (which my husband thinks is boring, but too bad :) )