Friday, December 14, 2018

Baby #2, 12 Weeks Pregnant

I'm 12 weeks pregnant with baby #2!

This 2nd pregnancy is so very different than my first. There are things that are the same: the exhaustion, the food aversions. But mentally I'm in such a different place. With my 1st pregnancy I was an anxious, nervous wreck until probably 20 weeks at least. I was obsessively checking my pregnancy app every day, I would have been able to tell you if baby was the size of a walnut or Christmas ornament or apple. I didn't even download any app until 9 weeks I think? If it weren't for the food aversions and exhaustion I feel like I wouldn't be thinking about being pregnant. With my first baby it took us so long just to get pregnant I was thinking 'well what else is going to go wrong?!'. This time I think I just feel a lot more confident in my body that it can do this; it can carry a baby to term. So I just sit here forgetting I'm growing a baby. Cool.

It's also very different on my body. Wit my first I wasn't showing until muuuch later, closer to 20 weeks. With this pregnancy everything is already fucked so I can't hid it much longer. But it's that awful phase where I look like I've been indulging in holiday dessert buffets a little too much. I go for walks most days, but with it getting dark and much colder by 5pm and Baby#1 needing to eat dinner at 6pm on the dot I can only get out for about 30 minutes. It's better than nothing, but not what I was doing with my first pregnancy. Oh well. Yolo and all that.

I did find out one of my best friends is just a few weeks behind me with her #2. I'm so excited! I'll have a friend to text at 3am during feedings and take trips to Target to during maternity leave! Mom friends are so nice to have!

So those are my profound thoughts at 12 weeks pregnant!

How far along? 12 weeks (and 1 day)
Total weight gain/loss? 2 lbs I think. According to the scale in the morning. According to the Dr. scale like 3,490 lbs. 
Maternity clothes? Oh yeah. Maternity leggings all day. I can still wear pre-pregnancy things in cluding my jeans and regular leggings, but they;re not comfy. I haven't told work yet so I just keep stuffing myself into my jeans and baggy sweaters (yay sweater season!)
Sleep? In bed by 9pm most nights. I get 8.5 hours of sleep most nights.  
Symptoms? Exhaustion, food aversions. 
Food cravings? Nope, none.
Food aversions? Basically everything. It mostly hits in the evening/afternoon just in time for dinner. Then, anything makes me feel sick. My lovely husband has been making dinner for himself and the 1 year old the last few nights because the look and smell is awful for me. 
Gender? Don't know, won't know.