Our FET#2 worked! I've been a nervous wreck for weeks and am still worried and nervous and unsure, but I'm trying to embrace this new pregnancy at 6 weeks today!
After our transfer I didn't get many symptoms. No sore breasts, no nausea, no weird smells, not hungry. All the things people say they feel right away. I did have some major mood swings though. I had them with my first baby so I tried to embrace them and say it was a good thing, but I was still miserable and convinced the FET didn't work. I tried to hold off testing but I was just so anxious I couldn't. I took a test at 8dp5dt and got a very faint positive on a frer and an even fainter on a wondfro. I took several tests over the next few days and they never seems as strong as my tests with my first, so the worrying continued through beta day. I knew my beta would be positive, I just didn't know what the number would be:
Beta 2, 15dp5dt: 703
Beta 3, 17dp5dt: 1853
Beta 4, 20dp5dt: 2906
My first beta with my first baby was 600something, so that explains the lighter lines I guess. And I know 264 is definitely pregnant, it's just so hard not to compare numbers. I say i 'll try not to, but that's just not how my brain works.
My first three betas doubled great, and then my 4th didn't. And I know through a lot of googling HCG doubling time slows the higher it gets, but: my brain doesn't like the easy answer. It prefers worry and Dr. Google telling me what will go wrong.
My clinic brought me in for my first ultrasound the next day and we got to see our little soap bubble baby at 5w5d. The tech said everything looked perfectly normal, and measured right on track, but we weren't able to see a heartbeat, which we did with my 1st at this same time (please see above re: worry, anxiety, what will go wrong).
We go in next week again so I'm trying to be happy and just think about this little one growing on track. This stage of pregnancy seems so foreign to me now. My first pregnancy only ended a year ago so I'm still used to the big belly and all the non stop movement of the baby, etc. This stage, where there's no noticeable difference in my body yet is strange. I don't feel pregnant (well....except the 4 day headache and never ending exhaustion) so it's hard to think of myself as pregnant. And having a one year old I don't have time to focus on it like I did the first time. I used to be able to take naps when I got home from work and take hour long walks in the afternoons. Not so much me time anymore! Pregnancy with a little one, even barely 6 weeks is hard work!!