1. Leggings: self-explanatory. Comfy pants to lounge in since I've been spending most of my time sitting.
2. Button down tops: Button ups have made breast feeding much easier. I can whip a boob out as needed. I love the Mossimo flannel from Target. I have 3 of them in various colors. The flannel is soft and the shirt is a loose fit. Great for lounging! Target - Plaid Flannel Shirt
3. Nursing bras: Key for breast feeding! I ordered a no-name brand from Amazon and have loved them. They are really soft and fit really well. I also have a Bravado nursing bra that I got at my shower and I hate it! The side strappy piece (that stays after you unclip the flap/pad) is so big the entire shoulder strap falls down and gets in the way while feeding). Nursing Bras
4. Depends: This one definitely isn't for everyone, but I've been a huge fan. The pads from the hospital were huge and bulky and I felt like I was leaking off the sides of them. I've still had a fairly heavy discharge since having the baby and I've felt much more secure wearing the Depends rather than pads. I've only just switched to a pad today, but will probably still wear my lovely adult diaper at night.
5. Lansinoh Lanolin: Breastfeeding has been a challenge, and while Baby and I are both getting better at it, the nipples take a lot and the lanolin calms them and gets me through to the next feeding. I do want to try another cream like Bamboobies or Earth Mama Angel Baby. Anyone have thoughts on either of those?
6. Stool softener: The first postpartum poop is terrifying! The hospital started giving me stool softener and I continued taking it at home. I had some really bad constipation and also took Milk of Magnesia as well as a glycerin suppository. After getting through that phase I've still been taking the softener. Things are a mess down under and anything I can do to ease things I will do!
7. Ibuprofen: I also started taking ibuprofen while in the hospital and have kept up that regimen as well. Again, anything to ease the hot mess down under...
8. Tucks: No one told me about the hemorrhoids. I felt prepared to be in pain from giving birth (especially because I had an episiotomy), but I was wholly unprepared for the hemorrhoids. I have never any had before and didn't realize how painful they are! I didn't even know I had any until about 12 hours after birth when the nurse went to check down there and mentioned I should get an ice pack for them. TBH I had more pain from these than from my episiotomy. Don't let up on the Tucks! 12 days later and mine aren't bothering me anymore.
9. Snacks: I have a lot of random snacks like Clif Bars, cracker packs, fruit/veggie pouches (yes, like you pack in a 6 year old's lunch), etc. Having snacks handy at 4am when you are up feeding Baby and are hungry AF is key. Treats like m&ms are also key. Because chocolate. I hit up the after Halloween sales asap.
10. Huge water bottle: Hydration is key for making breastmilk! I have a 48oz Bubba water bottle. I drink probably 4 of these a day. I got mine for $4 on clearance at Walmart.
11. Sitz Bath: I had no idea what this was until my nurse mom bought one for me. If you don't know: You fill it with warm water and sit in it. It provides pain relief for your underparts that just birthed a human.
12. Mascara and Blush: Self care is super important! Caring for a newborn is no joke but I still need to feel good about myself. A little bit of makeup goes a long way at making me feel like myself.
13. Daily showers: See above. Self care is important! After a long night of being awake feeding a hungry baby a shower makes me feel human.
14. Naps: Again. See above. Self care. I can't care for a baby without any sleep at all.
15. Help: Ok, this one is key to numbers 13 and 14. Having my mom around has been amazing. She does dishes, makes food, does laundry, etc. She also holds the baby so I can shower and nap. It's nice when it's just me and the husband and the baby, but having other hands has also been great and so good for our recovery and entrance into this parenthood thing.