Monday, October 17, 2016

The Lannisters Send Their Regards

CD2 and this is what it feels like.
But in good news stims for IVF cycle 2 are only 33 days away!
This period also marks 2 years of ttc. What a sad marker to remember. 

Friday, October 7, 2016

Is this thing on?

For anyone who actually follows or checks up on this blog: I'm sorry I haven't updated, but I don't have anything to update!! For December cycle stims start on November 19th so I'm just in a holding pattern right now.

I will go back on bcp whenever AF decides to show up (and don't you worry, I'll let you know all about that awesome, wonderful experience). So in the meantime here are some fun things for your viewing pleasure:

Just because it's cute
Same little owl. Same.
How I feel about my job.
My thoughts and feelings on Autumn and Halloween